ISV Accelerator

Increase accessibility and productivity

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Free Migration & Training

Henson Group migrates and optimizes your application for Azure. At the same time, our architects train your team on best practices for building applications in Azure and other Microsoft cloud platforms.
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Revenue Acceleration

We will help you increase your revenue by doing all the hard work of launching your application in Microsoft's MarketPlace and AppSource - allowing you to co-sell with Microsoft and Henson Group's global sales teams.
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Infra Support & Ops

As an Azure Expert MSP, we provide IT administration, management, and monitoring of your infrastructure, along with unlimted Microsoft Premier support. This allows ISVs to focus on their Dev while we handle the Ops.


Henson Group helps ISVs increase cash flow

Henson Group helps ISVs increase cash flow with our low-cost migration, free consumption, and licensing discounts.  At the same time, we also reduce the risk of migrating to the cloud because we are Microsoft Certified Cloud Experts, have years of ISV experience, and provide you with unlimited support.


Our ISV Expertise

  • LOB applications
  • BI and data-driven apps
  • Microsofts Teams-enabled apps
  • Machine learning and AI
  • Chatbot service enablement

Migrating With Us

  • Assessment
  • Rearchitecture
  • Training
  • Migration
  • Optimization

Companies We've Inspired With Our Transformation
